Ottimate. Don't just automate AP. Ottimate it.
Ottimate. Don't just automate AP. Ottimate it.
June 3, 2021

Ottimate Unveils The Ottimate Card, A Pre-Approved Spend Management Platform for Hospitality

by The Ottimate Editorial Team

Ottimate, the #1 AP automation tool for the hospitality industry, today unveiled The Ottimate Card, the first corporate card and expense management platform designed to meet the unique spend management needs of every hospitality business and entrepreneur.

Designed and built in-house by Ottimate’s hospitality-focused product team, The Ottimate Card is a corporate debit card program and spend management platform rolled into one. With no credit checks, personal guarantee or minimum bank balance requirements, any business can now set up an expense card program.

“Corporate card programs until now have not addressed the unique needs of hospitality organizations,” says Bhavuk Kaul, CEO and co-founder of Ottimate. “They’ve tended to focus on rewards programs without optimizing for the needs of CFOs and controllers managing multiple departments and multi-location teams. We created The Ottimate Card to give every business a user-friendly way to control spend across an entire organization.”

With The Ottimate Card, businesses can now unify petty cash, expense reporting, and corporate card programs. Additionally, The Ottimate Card earns up to 1% cash back on card spend.

The Ottimate Card leverages the same AI-powered receipt matching, GL-coding capabilities, and accounting integrations developed for Ottimate’s industry-leading invoice management and bill pay platforms. Together, these platforms make Ottimate the only hospitality-focused solution that allows customers to manage invoice and non-invoice spend with the same system — enabling businesses of all sizes to automate AP and maximize cash back.

Clutch Coffee, a fast-growing Southeastern multi-location coffee chain headquartered in North Carolina, became a user of The Ottimate Card after CFO Jake Vandermeer decided its employee expense tracking software was cumbersome and inefficient. Corporate cards were difficult to obtain due to underwriting requirements that the small company found prohibitive.

“We’re a fast-growing group,” said Vandermeer. “Our priorities are clean reporting and closing the books faster. Most corporate cards out there didn’t work for us because of stringent cash balance requirements. (Ottimate’s) corporate debit cards are way simpler. I can issue one with a single click, control the card’s rules myself, and monitor all of my purchase activity in real time.”

Applying for The Ottimate Card is easy. With no credit check, personal guarantee, or bank balance requirement, any business can qualify. First-time customers will receive their first card for free. Find out more at

About Ottimate (Formerly Plate IQ) 

Ottimate is AP automation AI that provides a more innovative way for AP managers, approvers, controllers, and CFOs to work through the entire invoice lifecycle. With mature deep learning capabilities powered by AI, Ottimate learns your business and AP process down to the line item, supporting a custom approval and payment workflow. Ottimate eliminates over 90% of the manual accounting process and provides insights into invoices and spending, helping finance professionals uncover opportunities for growth. This means more strategic business decisions for CFOs and a better day-to-day for the entire team. Don’t just automate AP. Ottimate it. To learn more, visit

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